Friday, March 21, 2008

Downward Dog

I only shop at Whole Foods. Take multi-vitamins that are $35 a bottle and I have given in to Mrs. Meyers cleaning products (geranium or lavender).

To say the least, I cannot afford anything I have mentioned above. Still, I go into debt over the promising world of organic fruit and all natural shampoo. In fact, I recently fell further into my financial black hole when I succumbed to an Equinox membership.

Note: I do not workout on any sort of monthly basis. This spa haven, masking as a gym, screamed out to me, "I will better you (and decorate the cardio room with orchids and Calypso candles)!!" I was sold.

Today on my day off, I decided it was time to put some of that credit card debt to use and trudge over to the 10am Pilates class. Although I remained in tabletop position while all of my classmates' legs were beautifully extended in a linear fashion, I did feel that I was doing a body good. And this was only my first visit. As class came to an end, our perfectly proportioned instructor Jules (who I could only assume was a granola tree hugger), asked us all to sit upright and cross our legs. She offered some advice that was anything but the hippie rhetoric I was prepared to answer with an eye roll. She said, 

"Lets all find ourselves in the mirror. If you don't like what you see, change it. If you do like what you see, accept it."

Jules! I love a good poignant and realistic nugget of wisdom before noon.

The field is flooded with contradictory advice debating the effectiveness of vitamins, the safety of this product or that. But I can say with confidence, taking fish oil capsules and opting for fresh greens instead of TV dinners isn't doing me more harm. 

So, I think I will take Jules' mantra to heart. Accept my obsession for $6 organic, dark chocolate bars and good red wine. Work to change the things I do not like. I think I will go back to Pilates tomorrow...

1 comment:

CMase said...

Shanz! I love your post!! Way to go on the Pilates!!