Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Plant Detox

While waiting in the check out line at Whole Foods on Saturday, an article on how to detox your apartment caught my eye. According to the article, certain plants can help detoxify the air by slurping in harmful substances and fumes like formaldehydes and other toxins in rugs, furniture, etc... and emitting what all plants emit: oxygen. One of the main toxin absorbers was the common house fern. These plants are low maintenance, and they help clean the air. Real Simple (http://www.realsimple.com/realsimple/content/0,21770,693366,00.html) has a good article about house plants. Check out Daily Tomorrow (http://www.dailytomorrow.com/2008/02/23/daily-detox-indoor-plants-for-cleaner-air/) for examples of the most effective plants for removing indoor air pollutants.

1 comment:

STL said...

Ooooh! Something we can buy for the apt.! I'm on board.