Thursday, March 6, 2008

Goji Berries -- Hot or Not?

Also known as Wolfberries, these little dried fruits are praised for their many micronutrients and phytochemicals said to possibly reduce the risks of some forms of cancer. Has anyone tried these things? My mom eats them by the bag now. She thinks they are delicious, and so do some of my other friends, but I didn't think they tasted that great. They are chewy like raisins and not as sweet as cranberries. I can see how they would taste good on salads though. There seems to be some concern over pesticides and fungicides used when growing goji berries in China and Tibet, so check to see where your goji berries are from before chowing down. Has anyone else heard anything about these magical fruits?

1 comment:

Leigh Glatt said...

Yes!! I've recently heard of Goji Berries and tried them last month. Not crazy about the taste, but being the health-nut that I am I ate the whole bag. I'll eat anything if it's promised to be a "super-food":)
I've read many testaments to this miracle foods' healing properties and even saw Dr.OZ on Oprah advising America to start eating them. So...they are definitely HOT HOT HOT...I see them in all the health food stores and read about them constantly in magazines. Maybe I'll even buy another bag myself!